Marketing Free Books

I’m always testing new ideas when it comes to marketing books and when I do, I’m sure to let you all know the results. So, this past week I thought I’d test out Amazon’s marketing for books enrolled in KDP Select. Here’s what I learned.

Launching a Pre-Order Campaign

I’ve been testing out pre-order campaigns over Amazon and Draft2Digital. I wanted to see how they worked and what I could potentially learn from them if I decided to try it all again later down the road. So, here’s what I’ve gathered so far:


This was my first time participating in PitMad on Twitter and, dare I say, it was super fun! I had never heard of this event before until I started seeing posts on Twitter about the upcoming event. So, here’s what I learned.

Judging Book Covers

Your book cover is your defining feature. It’s the reason someone shopping at Barnes & Nobles stops to pick it up from the shelf and read the back cover to see what your story’s about.

Book Trailers

Who doesn’t want to see their book get turned into a movie one day? Book trailers are a great way to not only promote and market your book, but it helps potential readers understand what your story is about without even having to read a summary.

Online Writing Platforms

Most authors I’ve spoken to have said that their writing journey either started out with poetry or by posting various works of fanfiction on online writing platforms such as Wattpad, Inkitt, Goodnovel, etc. Here are some pros and cons of using these free writing platforms for your stories:

Writer’s Lifts and How They Work

Ever heard of #authorsupport? Well, that’s what writer’s lifts are for – a way to support and uplift your fellow writers with the added benefit of possibly getting some followers.