Flattery Gets You Nowhere

As much as I and other indie authors talk about scammers, there’s one positive note to it. Are you ready for it? What could possibly be positive about being the target of any scam? Well…it’s definitely the flattery for me.

Navigating Negative Feedback

Have you ever gotten a less than great review on one of your stories? Well, I have, and let me tell you it’s not the best feeling in the world. After the initial shock of wondering how someone could find your story confusing, or with characters that lack growth, it turns into asking yourself if what they say is true.

NaNoWriMo: Tips and Tricks for Success

While many writers start new novels during this period, some writers (like myself) choose to use this as motivation to finish their WIP or work-in-progress. Whatever your fancy, the goal is still the same – to write!

Marketing Free Books

I’m always testing new ideas when it comes to marketing books and when I do, I’m sure to let you all know the results. So, this past week I thought I’d test out Amazon’s marketing for books enrolled in KDP Select. Here’s what I learned.

Finding the Right Publisher

Whether you’re trying to snag a traditional publisher or have decided to go solo with self-publishing, there are many ways to get your book out there. And with so many ways, it’s important to know which one is right for you and your story.

Launching a Pre-Order Campaign

I’ve been testing out pre-order campaigns over Amazon and Draft2Digital. I wanted to see how they worked and what I could potentially learn from them if I decided to try it all again later down the road. So, here’s what I’ve gathered so far:

Book Formatting: Interior Design

There are a bunch of tools out there that you can use to format your manuscript to make it ready for publication. If you’re self-published like me, then you have to put in a little more elbow grease to get it looking more like an actual book and less like a word document.


This was my first time participating in PitMad on Twitter and, dare I say, it was super fun! I had never heard of this event before until I started seeing posts on Twitter about the upcoming event. So, here’s what I learned.

Judging Book Covers

Your book cover is your defining feature. It’s the reason someone shopping at Barnes & Nobles stops to pick it up from the shelf and read the back cover to see what your story’s about.

Young Adult vs. Adult Fiction

As the moderator for the YA (Young Adult) group on Inkitt, I created a little list defining the difference between young adult and adult works of fiction. For those of you gearing up to send off query letters to publishing houses, it’s important to know what category your book falls into.